Another stellar education event: MAT Strategy Forum South

Deborah Jepson

MAT Strategy Forum South  

AspiraCloud was thrilled to attend our third bi-annual MAT Strategy Forum South which took place at the De Vere Cotswolds Water Park from 17 to 19 April 2024.

Designed exclusively for senior decision makers from some of the UK’s largest Multi Academy Trusts, this three-day event presents the ideal opportunity for those Trusts looking to hear best practices and innovative strategies for driving greater revenues, building a sustainable education system, and delivering service excellence in the sector.

The Multi Academy Trust (MAT) Strategy Forum has become a core networking event for us here at AspiraCloud and it was great be part of it again this year. Seeing some familiar faces from our previous attendance at the Forums in May 2023 and November 2023 gave us the opportunity to renew and refresh ongoing discussions. We also got to meet several new Multi Academy Trusts – whether through our one-to-one business meetings or speed networking presentations – and these have opened up several new possibilities for fruitful discussions.

Leading the charge and hot on everyone’s lips – following our very own Matt Dunkin’s stellar and very well-attended presentation on the subject – was Microsoft Copilot. Many key executives were keen to explore more about where Copilot, Microsoft’s new AI solution, could take their MAT into the future, so we were kept busy answering all your questions and with sharing as much information as possible!

The MAT Strategy Forum gives us a great way to extend existing and develop new relationships, share experiences and be part of some strategic peer groups within the education sector.

The next MAT Strategy Forum takes place in Cheshire from 30 Sept to 02 October – and we will be there again! Find out more why you should attend! Hope to see you there!